7. August 2017
15 steps to success
To stay up to date and be successful by working in an innovative way, it is important to account some determinate facts. A recent benchmarking study conducted by the INC Invention Center, the Fraunhofer IPT and the WZL of the RWTH Aachen University pointed out this 15 key success factors for managing breakthrough innovations. Paying attention to them means being successful.
These findings will be discussed at the upcoming Technology and Innovation Management Conference in Aachen on October 18th-19th. Till then we will weekly share one of the 15 most important factors with you, so you can join the event being perfectly informed.
We already published all 15 steps:
- Drastically innovating means drastically simplifying.
- Supertankers and speedboats need each other.
- Via detours straight to the destination.
- A protective shielding for creative ideas.
- Early validation instead of detailed analysis.
- Breakthrough innovations require look & feel.
- Always adjusting the evaluation logic.
- Processes cannot force innovation – culture makes the difference.
- Breakthroughs require a network.
- Continuous impulses ensure lasting inspiration.
- Thinking in terms of customer benefit.
- Technology and market maturity need to correspond.
- No pilot, no race.
- Detours increase local knowledge, which helps finding the way.
- There is no business case for investments in the innovation system.
Do you want to stay up to date, always getting the latest characteristics of a successful Breakthrough Innovation Management on time? Just write an E-Mail to info@invention-center.de and sign up our Mailing-List to stay informed!
We are glad about your interest and hope to see you at our Technology and Innovation Management Conference. Further information and the registration you can find here.
Please fill out the contact form to download the success factors that have already been published.