12. October 2018
The newly built Invention Center, Hong Kong will further strengthen the deep research and development cooperation between Germany and Hong Kong. “Using proven German concepts for applied research and development the Invention Center aims to be a strong partner to transform Hong Kong into a global innovation and technology hub”, says the German Consul General to the Hong Kong SAR Dieter Lamlé.
HKPC will establish the RWTH Aachen Campus concept to be Asia’s first campus in Hong Kong in supporting the city’s efforts to become an international innovation and technology hub. The INC in Hong Kong is operatedby HKPC and KEX and is the first globaladaptation of the center concept by RWTH Aachen Campus to be implemented in Hong Kong. For several years, already, HKPC works in close cooperation with the INC, initiated by Fraunhofer IPT, RWTH Aachen University, andKEX, located on RWTH Aachen Campus, which provides excellent applied R&D for high-class industry partners. Aimof the new center is to support Hong Kong enterprises in smart products and services invention, time-to-market development and prototyping by leveraging the intensive expertise and diverse technology networks of INC and the HKPC.
The Fraunhofer IPT, one of the initiators of the INC on RWTH Aachen Campus, is working closely with partners around the world to develop flexible and adaptive production processes and process chains as well as the necessary industrial IT concepts and cloud systems for smart services, which are required to handle large volumes of data in industrial applications – completely in line with the principles of Industrie 4.0.
Fraunhofer institutes work in all application-relevant fields of expertise for contractual partners from industry and the public sector. Applied research powers the innovative capability of companies and promotes Germany’s status as a place for doing business. The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft has consistently built up its structure on research groups of different fields of science. Flexible interlinking of expertise and capacities enables the institutes to meet extremely broad project requirements and complex system solutions.